Diamond Dowsing Consultation

Healing For Your Home, Office, and Land

A Diamond Dowsing session will detect and neutralise stressed energy and amplify positive energy in your environment so you can transform your life – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

What is dowsing?

Dowsing is an Environmental Healing tool that is considered both an art form and a science. It is an ancient art form that has been practiced for thousands of years in cultures throughout the world.  

Diamond Dowsing is a practice used to detect and cure energy in our environment created by disturbances to the Earth’s natural, harmonious flow that can cause stress in our bodies and homes. This method effectively “cures” those energy disturbances in a living environment and eliminates the stress on those who live there, so we feel really good and can manifest our deepest desires.  

(Marie will contact you within 24hrs of purchasing this offering to book your slot)

What does dowsing do?

  • Cure energy disturbances in your environment
  • Enhance positive energy fields
  • Eliminate stress on you and other people living with you
  • Eliminate stress on you and other people working with you
  • Eliminate stress on animals living with you
  • Significantly enhance the energy level in any room, home, building, land
  • Balance your brainwaves and help uplift your energy and consciousness, speeding up your soul’s evolution
  • Create a vibrant environment by releasing stuck energy

When an energy disturbance is released, the energy in the environment shifts, and you naturally adapt

Every day, you are receiving signals from your environment and from your own body. If you or your family members are struggling with any of the following issues, you likely have stress lines that are depleting the energy in your home:


Interrupted Sleep

Lack of Focus

Financial Strain


Health Issues

Low Energy

Emotional Pain

Marie Delanote

A few months after moving into our new home, my son, daughter and myself would wake up with headaches every morning. After I dowsed the house, two days later, mine and my daughters’ headaches were gone. My son experienced ‘a purge’ of colds, and stomach-ache for about three weeks. After that, all headaches were gone. We have all been fine ever since.

A Diamond Dowsing session includes:

  1. 45 minutes Zoom or WhatsApp call  
  2. Space clearing 
  3. Tubes of Light Meditation 
  4. Diamond dowsing consultation  

45 Minute Call

The Dowsing work is not done during this call. This call is to get to know you and your specific needs before I do the work. It is to establish exactly what I need to know so I can give you the best of my work.

Space Clearing

Cleansing of emotional, mental and spiritual debris and entities from your space. See it as a deep clean. Cleaning and releasing everything that has ever happened on the land, home, space.

Tubes of Light

A meditation by Marie Diamond, to harmonise your left & right brain – this increases the effectiveness of everything you do.

Diamond Dowsing Consultation

This is the actual dowsing work. Here I dowse and cure the agreed on land/home/space … remotely, for you. You can be anywhere in the world, My findings and feedback will then be sent to you by email immediately after I finish the work.

Note: Re-Activation

As all this work is done remotely, the cures won’t be added in the three dimensional world. For that reason, they need to be re-activated every 9 months in order to continue to do its work consistently and powerfully. This can be done for just $9.99 every 9 months. 



9-monthly Re-Activation

The re-activation will take place approximately 9 months after I finish the dowsing of your space. You will receive a reminder email whether you would like the re-activation or not. I recommend it otherwise the old energies will re-enter the space. Notice that for a re-activation I will not check whether extra dowsing and curing is needed! This will be done for just $9.99


Check-Up for Changes

It is recommended (but not mandatory) to have your space checked yearly, to see whether anything has changed. WIFI, radio, and other waves are always added somewhere which might result in them entering your home and causing new disturbance. If you would like to have this done, I will check in depth and get the work done if needed. See check-out


Big Changes

If one year or even five years later after dowsing your space, there are specific issues that have arisen causing problems physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, it is possible that deeper work needs doing. These new disturbances can be caused by changes to the house (i.e. structural changes), earth’s changes, new WIFI, radio disturbance, new family members who I need to dowse for individually, items brought into the house with low vibration, spirits … These changes have to be taken into account and new cures might have to be added to keep the energy in the space optimal. You will know when something is off and if this session is needed. This specific check-up happens at a lot more depth and includes a 30 minute Zoom or WhatsApp call before I do the work. See check-out

Idea… Teachers out there, ever thought of dowsing your classroom?

The energy in the classroom affects the children’s brainwaves. Having your classroom dowsed will:

  • Create a calm an uplifting environment for all children
  • Create an optimal learning environment for all children
  • Positively affect the children’s learning, development, and lives

As it’s the future of our children, I offer a very special dowsing session for your classroom

  • 45 minute Zoom or WhatsApp call with you – the teacher
  • Space clearing
  • Tubes of Light Meditation (you can teach your students too!)
  • Diamond dowsing consultation 
(Marie will contact you within 24hrs of purchasing this offering to book your slot)

Course Pricing


$150 USD

  • Teachers! Let's dowse your classroom

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$199 USD

  • Dowsing your plot of land

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Standard House or Apartment

$299 USD

  • Maximum 4 bedrooms, 1 lounge, 1 kitchen, 1 extra space i.e. conservatory, 2 bathrooms.

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$9.99 USD

  • This is only for people who had their space dowsed by me and need a re-activation 9 months later

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General Yearly Check-Up

$40 USD

  • I will check for changes and add cures if needed and re-activate the previous work.

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Marie Delanote

Transformational teacher, multi-award winning writer and entrepreneur Marie Delanote, was born in the Flanders, Belgium, moved to the UK with her British husband and their children in the year 2011 and since 2020 lives with her family in County Sligo, Ireland.

Marie studied Double bass at the Royal College of Music in Belgium and played in the orchestra of ‘De Munt’, Royal Opera House in Brussels. She stopped playing professionally when she decided to be a full-time mum to her four children.

Marie later started her writing career and is a published author with Findhorn Press, Inner Traditions. Her latest book is being released in October 2024 'Ethereal Crystal Healing - Create Your Life with the Frequencies of Stones'.

As an Ethereal Crystals Master, she helps people to connect with the intelligence and guidance of ethereal crystals; transforming energy between people, the physical body, mind, buildings, earth, past lives, and family circles. Her company Ethereal Crystals Global brings products into the world that supports people in raising their vibration and in its turn can transform their life.

Marie has been a practising energy reader, healer and transformational teacher for over 20 years, gives one-on-one distance sessions, and teaches the healers. She also trains athletes how to manage their mind and emotions to reach their highest success.

In a desire to bring transformation to even more people, Marie started writing screen plays and has won several awards on the way.

​Marie is proudly connected to ATL Europe, transformational leaders