Space Clearing

Clear the energy in your home & land to raise vibration

What is Space Clearing?
Why is it so important?

                            Space Clearing is a meditation method which uses the 24 Quantum light frequencies to energetically clean your space.

Think of your home as a container that holds energy.
What kind of energy has filled the container of your home? What emotions or thought forms have been created by you, your family or previous owners or tenants?  

Every emotion and thought creates energy … either high vibrational energies such as love, peace, harmony and joy or low vibrational energies such as fear, anger, sadness or grief.

During a space clearing session, I will be guiding you as we release any low vibrational energy created in your home and will help you fill it with beautiful energy that hold the vibration of love, joy, healing, clarity and more.

Releasing Spirits

                                     There are times a spirit does not pass into their next experience. Instead, something keeps them stuck in this dimension.

There are many reasons a spirit does not move on and some of these reasons can be an attachment to a person, or place, trauma, shock or intense grief, anger or fear.  

During a space clearing session, I support the spirits in releasing any attachments or energies keeping them stuck in the space and open a doorway for them to leave.  

Is This For You?

The experiences in your home or office collect as energetic dust and can keep you from creating the life you want. Space clearing will clear this energy and allow you to start fresh and move forward with manifesting the life you want. It’s like the ultimate spring clean!

  • Are you moving into a new home?
  • Does the energy of your current home make you feel tired, stuck or depleted?
  • Have you recently gone through a big emotional life event?
  • Are there unexplained noises or movements happening in your home?
  • Are you aware of the history of the house you live in? 

Land Clearing 

Many understand the importance of healing ourselves before we can heal others. This is also true when it comes to healing the land our homes are built on. When enough of us begin to heal our own piece of property, this will create a ripple effect that begins to heal the whole of Mother Earth and thus help to heal ourselves.

Just like us, the land we live on carries energy from the past. Even newly built homes on a piece of property where no houses previously existed can carry history from past events that occurred on that land.

Consider the long history of countries and all of the events that have happened throughout those hundreds if not thousands of years.

For those familiar with the history of Ireland and what occurred during the famine and the arrival of the British, will also give you a sense of the energy that has been absorbed into the land. The grief, anger, trauma and abuse that was created as they tried to claim this land as their own, still exists in many parts of the country.

This also stands for all the other countries in the world, each carrying their own battles. Once this energy is created, it continues to remain until it is cleared. There are many healers currently focused on releasing and clearing this energy, as well as the souls trapped by these experiences.

HOW? A space clearing session takes place remotely in a one hour one-on-one Zoom or Whatsapp meeting.
Click the button to book your slot now. 

Pricing: £275

Marie Delanote

Transformational teacher, multi-award winning writer and entrepreneur Marie Delanote, was born in the Flanders, Belgium, moved to the UK with her British husband and their children in the year 2011 and since 2020 lives with her family in County Sligo, Ireland.

Marie studied Double bass at the Royal College of Music in Belgium and played in the orchestra of ‘De Munt’, Royal Opera House in Brussels. She stopped playing professionally when she decided to be a full-time mum to her four children.

Marie later started her writing career and is a published author with Findhorn Press, Inner Traditions. Her latest book is being released in October 2024 'Ethereal Crystal Healing - Create Your Life with the Frequencies of Stones'.

As an Ethereal Crystals Master, she helps people to connect with the intelligence and guidance of ethereal crystals; transforming energy between people, the physical body, mind, buildings, earth, past lives, and family circles. Her company Ethereal Crystals Global brings products into the world that supports people in raising their vibration and in its turn can transform their life.

Marie has been a practising energy reader, healer and transformational teacher for over 20 years, gives one-on-one distance sessions, and teaches the healers. She also trains athletes how to manage their mind and emotions to reach their highest success.

In a desire to bring transformation to even more people, Marie started writing screen plays and has won several awards on the way.

​Marie is proudly connected to ATL Europe, transformational leaders